I read an article in my local newspaper yesterday that claimed the last Monday of the last full week in January is known as Blue Monday, the most depressing day of the year. Apparently, a researcher at Cardiff University, Dr. Cliff Arnall, developed a formula that indicated the saddest day of this year would be today, Monday, January 23rd, 2012.
Why? Supposedly, it’s a combination of factors. Most people who made New Year’s resolutions are just now realizing they are not doing well with those resolutions, so they are not happy with themselves. In addition, bills from the holiday shopping season have been received, and people aren’t happy with their finances. Also, the winter (in those areas that experience winter) is half over and people aren’t happy with the cold and the ice and the snow. Wrap that all up in some silly mathematical formula, and today is supposedly the “bluest” day of the year.
So what do I say about this? I say that knowing today could be one of the worst days of the year should make it one of the best! What better way to plan a celebration? Celebrate blue Monday!
How? Well, this is an easy one! Here are some ideas.
- Giants fans could plan a celebration party for tonight because the NY Giants are going to be in the Super Bowl. Talk about the “blue” theme being appropriate!
- For others, invite a few friends over for an impromptu meal tonight and go with a blue food theme! Blueberries and ice cream for dessert. Blue Corn Tortillas w/chicken (not blue chicken) for an entree. Blue Curacao drinks. I’ll bet there are a lot more “blue” foods.
- Call in sick to work today and pamper yourself. Tell your boss (or clients) you need to celebrate Blue Monday. Read a book. Catch up on computer stuff. Watch TV. Work in your workshop. Pamper yourself.
- Write a blog about Blue Monday.
- Do something today you’ve been wanting to do, but just haven’t had the chance/time/energy. Just go!
I’m sure there are a lot of ways to celebrate the day, but bottom line, now that we all know today is the saddest day of the year, we can make it one of the best!!! Buck the trend.
Let’s get rid of this stupid day and make it a great one!
I’m off to do that myself. Cheers!