I was painting my old home yesterday, and I got some paint on my arm, hands and leg (I’m not a neat painter!). A few hours later I got home, and knew exactly what to use to remove the paint quickly. It was latex paint, so I could have just used soap and water and scrubbed a bit to get it off. But instead, I put just a tiny amount of nail polish remover on a tissue and I wiped all the paint off with just a quick swipe.
A few seconds later, I was done, and I thought, “HEYYYYYY, why not write a blog about…” (wait for it)… “Nail Polish Remover!!!!!”
So what else is nail polish remover (the key ingredient is acetone) good for?
Well, it can remove:
- crayons or other marks from the wall (just be careful to only touch the crayons and marks and not the paint!)
- sap from your car windows.
- ink from your skin.
- scuffs from tiles.
- the glue left behind from stickers or labels or tape – this works on refrigerators, walls, etc.
- plastic that has melted onto your toaster.
- superglue that was inadvertently (or maybe purposely) stuck on skin.
- stains from dinnerware
Oh yeah, and nail polish remover can also remove nail polish!!!
Anytime I have something sticky or stuck, I try nail polish remover. It almost always works!
Caution: This product might also remove things you don’t want removed, so when attempting to remove anything from a painted or other service, try a very small dab of remover first on an out-of-the-way spot to make sure it won’t harm the surface.
Happy removing!