Life and beauty is everywhere
We all tend to get caught up in the craziness of our days, moving from one to-do to the next to-do, answering calls and emails and tending to our business and our lives. And sometimes we get so wrapped up in the unnecessary minutia of life that we forget to enjoy the beauty that is always right in front of us.
Case in point.
This morning as I was walking down my sidewalk on the way to the car on the way to my morning run (yes, I drive to run), a bit of movement caught my eye and I went to investigate. There, nestled in a space that wasn’t more than perhaps 2 feet by 1 foot, next to a neighbor’s small children’s playhouse was a newborn fawn. She was hiding next to rusted toys and equipment and if she hadn’t have moved, I probably would not have noticed her. In fact, I pointed her out to a few neighbors when I came back from exercising, and it took me quite a few attempts for me to get them to see. “No, she’s right there, see?” “No, no, look down – right there!!”
And I don’t live in the woods. I live in a village that is only a 30 minute drive north of New York City, in a co-op complex with driveways and paths and roads and cars and people. And still, nearly right in front of my door, was a beautiful example of nature at its finest.
And on the other side of my neighbors property was another deer, perhaps the mother, watching.
There are many analogies I could make to bring this post back to real estate, but this isn’t a post about real estate. It’s a post about life. Open your eyes and find it.