Things to do in Orange County NY this winter (cooking).
In the winter in Orange County NY, the wind howls, the ground may be covered with ice and snow, but that doesn’t mean you have to stay in! If you’re willing to warm your car up, get bundled up, and go out, there’s plenty to do.
This week, the Orange-Ulster Boces adult and continuing education brochure ended up in my mail box. I idly glanced through past the health career, trades and occupational training programs. I kept flipping until, screech!, I saw the Culinary classes! There are some that are focused on food handlers. I skipped those. Then the baking classes. There is a baking “boot camp,” cake decorating, sugar cookies, and icing related classes. Those might be of interest to someone wanted to do more baking. But for me, the interesting section was the cooking classes….
I love to cook, especially new meals that I’ve never made before. Last night the new add was a roasted red pepper sauce for roasted potatoes. The sauce wasn’t a “10” so I probably won’t make it again. But I’m always looking for new ideas.
Imagine my surprise when I saw the school is offering fourteen different classes! They include South American, German, Puerto Rican, Italian, Tex-Mex and Asian cuisines. They also include a class on appetizers, as well as classes on pizza, soups, chocolate, ravioli, stews and pasta. Each class is held at the 53 Gibson Road, Goshen NY facility. Classes are all held in the evenings from 6-9pm, and each subject has several possible dates.
I don’t know anything about the instructors, or how the classes are conducted. I do know all students are asked to bring their own aprons, so cooking will actually be done. I signed up for several, and I can’t wait!
There is plenty to do in Orange County in the winter. If you are interested in learning about any of the above options, check out the school’s online brochure at
For any information about the Orange County area, specifically related to real estate, feel free to contact me at 914-419-0270 or via email at