There is a street near me, in Monroe NY, called Reynolds Street. And next to a home on the street, there’s a little sign that says “Outlaws attacked and attempted to murder patriot Henry Reynolds, who was saved by the heroics of his daughter Phoebe *, circa 1782,”
So that sounds kind of impressive, right? A female saved her dad from outlaws in the late 1700’s.
But what REALLY happened? Once you hear the story, you will be even more impressed.
Pheobe was one of many children who were residing in the Reynolds’ Monroe NY home during the time when Claudius Smith’s outlaws were wreaking havoc on that region of the country. Claudius was a guerilla leader during the American Revolution.
One night, Claudius’ gang surrounded the Reynolds’ home in order to gain entry, but they realized the doors and windows were bolted. They then tried to gain access through the roof and two or three men dropped into the chimney, but someone inside the cabin put feather bed contents on the fire, and the robbers had to retreat so they would not suffocate. They left.
On a different day, the outlaws tried again. A few of the Reynolds neighbors (who were in on the plan) came to the door and knocked for admission. Reynolds let them in, and went to the fireplace to get a light. While his back was turned, one of his neighbors struck him with a sword and told him he better leave immediately. Reynolds rushed out the door but stumbled and fell face down. The gang fell upon him and dragged him into the house.
As his struggle with the outlaws began, Reynolds called for his young son to come help. When his son entered the room, one of the men told the young boy that he had to sit totally motionless or he would get his head cut off. The boy sat totally still. Mr. Reyholds’ wife then entered the room with other children, but fell on the floor unconscious once she saw what was happened.
The outlaws then bound Reynolds and cut him with knives and swords, and proceeded to hang him on the “trammel pole” of the fierplace. The outlaws then started ransacking the cabin, leaving Reynolds to die.
They didn’t count on Phoebe. 12 year old Phoebe Reynolds was fearless, growing up in border life. When the outlaws left the room, Phoebe cut the rope that hung her father and laid him on the bed. The outlaws came in, and Pheobe threatened them with her knife. They told her they would kill her if she didn’t leave, but she said she didn’t want to live without her father. They threatened her with knives and swords, but she stood her ground. She clasped her hands around her father to shield him from their weapons. One of the men beat Phoebe with a rope but she did not cry or moan, even though her body was covered with welts. The outlaws then tore her away and hung Mr. Reynolds once more.
When they left the room, Phoebe cut her father down again, but he sank to the floor. The outlaws came and attacked him again, and again, Phoebe threw herself on him and tried to protect him. She was saturated with blood. The outlaws finally took Reynolds and threw him in a chest. They left, after setting the house on fire and blocking the door.
Phoebe opened the chest and saw her father, who looked dead. They lifted the body from the chest, and he moaned, so Phoebe pried his lips apart and gave him a few drops of water and stopped the blood that was flowing from his body. The girl then threw water on the burning beds and covered the burning flax with a rug to put out that fire as well.
Phoebe then directed her brother to alarm the neighborhood, but he was afraid and didn’t. So Phoebe, who was covered with cuts, spread the alarm to all the homes. A group of men immediately assembled and chased the outlaws. The men were able to kill the leader of the local gang and three or four other men. At the same time, the town doctor attended to Reynolds, who had been stabbed in more than 30 places. Reynolds eventually returned to health.
When Phoebe returned home, the doctors realized she was very seriously injured, but they were also able to successfully treat her injuries.
After the events, Henry Renolds moved to a different county. Phoebe lived until November 1853. One hundred years after the marriage of Henry Reynolds, it was estimated Reynolds had more than one thousand descendants.
Now isn’t that a story of bravery in the face of adversity?
*Note: While the official plaque indicates the daughter’s name was Phoebe, and that’s the spelling I used above, various other sources including the NY Times indicate her name was actually spelled Phebe. A search for information by the second spelling will result in many more articles.
Wow she was awesome
Sage – yes, she was awesome! I don’t know too many 12 year olds who would have done what she did. 🙂
Phoebes father, Henry Reynolds is my Great, Great, Great, Great Grandfather , thus my Grandfathers, my and my sons middle names.
Jeffrey – Thanks for writing! You have a very interesting family history. Can you imagine you wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t for Phoebe? What a story.
Thanks so much for the spelling correction — they have it wrong on her sign! I would love to see other information — I do find this so interesting. Phebe rocked.
I would be interested in any info
Jeffrey, I to am a relative of Phebe and Henry. My mother was Leslie Carol Reynolds, father Leslie Earl Jr.
I am looking for any information you can share about our family. I would love to see the pictures to! Do you have anything on James and Betsey Penyoer ?
Linda Hodgkinson Bulzomi
Jeffrey provided this information previously:
From: Jeffrey Reynolds Spiers
February 24, 2015 at 9:16 am
Henry Reynolds 1742-1827
Mary Fowler 1743-1825
Phebe b. 1770 d. 11/21/1853
Twins: Catherine & Martha
Perhaps you can communicate directly via email with Jeffrey for more information.
I am a Reynolds that lived in Monroe from 1965 – 1977. My Grandfather was Patrick Joseph Reynolds from Ireland. Came to states and lived in Tuckahoe, NY, where my father Joseph A. Reynolds was born. My mother & father started a family in Yonkers, NY where I was born, then we moved out to Monroe, NY. I find the story fascinating too and quiescence that there was a Reynolds living in Monroe back in the 1700’s. I would’t be surprised if we were not related somehow Jeffrey. Here is my e-mail:
Typo error on my last name: Should be Reynolds. Raffeld is my married name.
Wow, I think all the Reynolds should get together for a “get to know each other” event!
For sure!
I will also add we lived on Hoffman drive and that was not far at all where this house is! We never knew! Have to ask my siblings about it if they knew!
I do find this whole article fascinating. I grew up in Monroe, NY and know of many of the stories and historic homes throughout the area.
This attack on the Reynolds family may have been earlier than 1782. Claudius Smith himself was hanged for his crimes in Jan 1779 and 2 of his sons were arrested that same year. A third son, Richard, is supposed to have been captured in 1781. There may have been remaining gang members in the area, but I can’t find much more on them after 1781.
Really? That’s interesting that the dates maybe be earlier than thought. Those were tough times to be alive!
I am very surprised at some of things I read and saw about Monroe during that time. I would have never thought their were gangs of loyalists running around intimidating and murdering patriots of the town. I have been reading through papers, wills and documents from that time. Almost makes
Me wish I had spent more time searching the cemetery when I was there.
I am a descendant of Henry Reynolds and Phebe. Have the book History of Sullivan County.
Proud of my ancestors who have participated in the founding of our country and throughout its history.
Thank you for your comment! It must be very interesting have such a rich family history!
Denise, I too am a descendant of Henry Reynolds and Phebe. My grandmother, Harriet Reynolds, daughter of Henry Reynolds who, along with his brother, Monroe, fought in the Civil War, used to tell me about Phebe and Henry Reynolds of that generation.
I lived in the house for 6 years in the 1980’s. My dad actually bought it in 1981 for $22,000. There may already be a Reynolds family group. I recall someone stopping by and wanting to come in and see their ancestral home and they mentioned something like an annual picnic. Wish I could recall more about it.
Wow, that is so cool. It recently sold for 10 times that amount ($225K). Do you remember anything specific? I understand the fireplace was huge…..