First Voyage: Anthony Palmiotti, author
This is a shameless plug for my husband’s new book, and first novel, “First Voyage.” I was lucky enough to be able to read the book before it was sent to any publishers for review. I do read quite a bit, mostly crime stories, detective novels, and court related fiction. With a book almost always in my hand, I jumped at the opportunity to try something new.
“First Voyage” is a sea story. Having worked on a vessel for a three month period several years ago, I have some knowledge of ships. I thought that knowledge might be necessary to enjoy this book, but it wasn’t. This is a well-written novel about a young seaman who is on his first voyage aboard a ship called the Arrow. The journey takes the crew to Hamburg, where they must deal with issues with the Nazi regime. The story includes intrigue, danger and friendship. This is a book that includes something for everyone, and could be enjoyed by those who love the sea, as well as those who have never set foot on a ship.
I would definitely give this book five stars!
Thank you for allowing me to plug this book. The author knows very well I would have told him it sucked if I thought so. In the same vein, I would tell him if I loved it. Luckily I loved it so much I am helping him get the word out. Buy the book! Read it! You won’t be sorry. And if you’d like more information on the author, see his author website.
First Voyage is available at, Barnes & Noble, iBooks, Kobo and other booksellers.