Thoughts on starting in real estate
Question: Is a transition from a corporate job to Real Estate really doable?
Answer: If I have anything to do with it, the answer is yes!
For nearly thirty years, I pursued a career in the telecommunications field. I spent three decades learning and experiencing, and I moved from a clerical job up to a middle management position. My knowledge base grew from basically nothing to an understanding of budgeting, project planning, technology, network plans, internet access services, pricing, product bundling, and more. I earned my bachelor’s degree, learned to successfully conduct meetings, gave presentations to groups of 10 and groups of several hundred. During the same time, I became expert in all sorts of computer programs and programming databases. I was entrenched in the newest technological products and services. The experience was great as I continued to learn new things.
However, it was a corporate career, with the downsides inherent in that type of job. The 60 hour work weeks (or more), bosses calling meetings at 6pm and the long hours traveling were job challenges. In addition, the non-stop deadlines, weekends working around the clock when new products launched and ever increasing workload and constantly decreasing staff got old. After nearly thirty years, I had enough and left to pursue new ventures.
And the first new venture I chose was real estate. Why? Because it’s interesting!!! While sitting through 75 hours of classes to learn about building structures, deeds, surveys, fair housing, agency, and all of the other related topics, I continued to find myself grinning. I love this stuff. And I love the whole problem solving part of this business too. I like the idea of starting with a need (a client wants to purchase their dream home, or sell their home) and helping that person solve that need. And I love that I will be dealing with REAL people! Not some department that needs a project completed by a certain date. But a real person with real needs and real concerns. I like the diversity of responsibilities also. A real estate salesperson really needs to know a lot about a lot. That’s exciting all by itself. And I love the thought that I could take something so complex and confusing, and make it simple for my customers.
So I’m psyched to get started. I’ll keep you posted as to whether my ability to move to an exciting real estate career is going to be as smooth as I hope. Come with me as I begin my journey, and wish me luck.
(Portions originally posted in