Warning: This is a shameless plug for my husband’s new book and is not real-estate related!
Skilled mariners are a unique breed. Whether they are a captain on a 600 foot container ship or a 200 foot oil barge, or a mate on a tugboat or car carrier, they possess a unique skill set. They need to know how to navigate by stars or land, how to calculate tides and currents and compass error, and how to determine leeway, to name just a few required skills. And while much activity on the sea is now done electronically, mariners need to understand how to use the real world to get to where they are going safely, in the event of equipment and satellite failures.
Anthony Palmiotti was born with the sea in his veins. In addition to spending hundreds of hours working on a Maritime college ship as it transversed the ocean and visited far away ports, and working on a oil supply vessel in the gulf and oil spill response boat in Alaska, he has been a professor of celestial and terrestrial navigation for years. As such, he has the expertise required to write the Navigator’s Notebook: A Workbook for Marine Navigation.
This reference guide for professional mariners is now available for purchase! While the guide is intended to be used at sea as a refresher, it is also of use to anyone who wishes to better understand how sailors do what they do. And what could be more exciting that standing on the bow of a ship in the middle of a vast ocean as the bow plunges towards the never ending horizon? Now doesn’t that make you want to at least live vicariously through the Navigator’s Notebook’s descriptions?
And now this program will return to real estate.