Sprinkler disclosure for NY landlords
A new law became effective December 3, 2014 in New York State. This law requires landlords to include a disclosure in a rental lease about the sprinkler system status of an apartment. This covers not only landlords of large apartment type buildings, but landlords of one and two family rental property as well. The law is relevant for leases, sub-leases, renewal contracts and renewal leases.
There are a few specific requirements regarding this law. The print in the lease must be in bold. The specific requirement of the landlord is to include language that states whether there is or is not a sprinkler system installed at the time of the lease signing.
At this time, there is no requirement that a sprinkler system actually be installed. If there is no sprinkler system, the landlord just needs to indicate this in the lease. There is currently no penalty in place for landlord non-compliancy with the new rule. However, going forward, all new leases should include language that covers the sprinkler system status. And landlords may wish to consider installing one, before it becomes a firm requirement.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 914-419-0270 or email me at kat@thehousekat.com.