Sellers: Tips for boosting your home's value If you are thinking of selling your home, here are a few tips that can help increase your market value. ... » Learn More about Sellers: Tips for boosting your home’s value
Sellers have unique needs. They take a place that has been their home for sometimes decades, a place full of memories and history, and open it up for other people to critique. This can be a scary step as sellers have to put their life on hold while they keep a spotless house, running out of the house for showings, and waiting with baited breath for feedback that may or may not come. This part of website will be focused on tips and issues associated with the selling of a home.
Feel free to scan through the pages that follow to find the specific information you are looking for. Or you can click these links for specific topics:
- Selecting a Price Point
- Managing Showings
- Dealing with Offers
- Discount Brokerages
- Words of Encouragement
- Inspections
- Contracts
- Appraisals
As always, I am available at 406-270-3667 or at for additional questions or feedback.
Sellers of unoccupied homes beware!
Sellers of unoccupied homes beware! Seller: (ring ring)... "Hey, can you go to my house right now? I hear the fire department is there." Me: "Sure, on my way." ... » Learn More about Sellers of unoccupied homes beware!
I provide free information to sellers (but shhhh, it’s our secret!)
I provide free information to sellers, (but shhh, let's keep that between us!). Here's a story to illustrate my point. The setup Sometime early this year, I was out for my morning jog. Several folks were outside of a house on my route. They asked me if I could help them out with something. I was ... » Learn More about I provide free information to sellers (but shhhh, it’s our secret!)
SOLD! 11 Valley Trail, Monroe NY
SOLD! 11 Valley Trail, Monroe NY This past week, my sellers handed over the keys to their beautifully maintained three bedroom, three bath Colonial home to the new buyers. The sellers had lived in (and loved) their home for twenty-five years, but were ready to move on. ... » Learn More about SOLD! 11 Valley Trail, Monroe NY
How long will it take to sell my Monroe NY house?
How long will it take to sell my Monroe NY house? One of the questions home sellers may ask is, "How long will it take to sell my house?" The answer is a murky, "It depends." There is no way to be more specific. The amount of time from the listing of a home to the closing depends on many ... » Learn More about How long will it take to sell my Monroe NY house?